IDF and BCS-DCSG workshop, 2003:
Information Literacy, the Information Society
and international development

On 21 January 2003, a meeting was convened at the London meeting rooms of the British Computer Society in Mansfield Street. The purpose was to have a round-table discussion around topic of Information Literacy, in the context of the planned UN World Summit on the Information Society.

InfoLit2003 report

The detailed report of discussions at the 21 January 2003 workshop is available from this site

The WSIS conference had been planned for December 2003 in Geneva, with a follow-up in Tunis in 2005. The two UN agencies in charge were to be the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

The organisation of the one-day workshop was undertaken by the Developing Countries Specialist Group of the BCS, represented at the meeting by Brian Layzell and John Lindsay, with John Lindsay in the chair. The BCS Electronic Publishing Specialist Group was represented by Dr David Penfold and Conrad Taylor. Conrad recorded the entire event, and later produced a close-to-verbatim reported-speech account of the whole day.

The report, as PDF

The 29-page report can be downloaded from this site as a PDF document (321 KB) from this link.

Historical relationship to KIDMM

I think it can be argued that this initiative led by John Lindsay of BCS-DCSG and documented by Conrad Taylor of BCS-EPSG (both BCS groups, by the way, now defunct) was a significant step along the way to intellectual co-operation between BCS specialist groups, which later drove the emergence of the grouping which became KIDMM.